Consistent power armor overhaul
Consistent power armor overhaul

consistent power armor overhaul

Let me remember you guys that Wired Reflexes only deal with the nervous system of the user. Coupled with additional servors on the armor the user would be able to react faster. The "fluff" like you guys love to talk about, is that you would install on the entire armor a huge network of sensors that would act like the nervous system of the user, feeding data and information directly through simsense to the user brain. The idea was to create a modification to a Mil Spec armor that would do the same as Wired Reflexes. The idea was, again, not about a powered armor like the ones you see in movies like Ironman and others. I posted an idea and now it became a war. But the whole point of this thread was asking if Wired Reflexes as an external unit is a reasonable upgrade to milspec style armor, and I haven't seen any evidence that could support that sort of idea. I could understand arguments to have those sorts of upgrades converted over (and I'm sure some groups probably have). The 5th edition version of Milspec no longer even has access to the strength enhancements and other utilities that they had in the 4e book. But nothing in the description even borders on the idea that this even remotely approaches the level where it would allow full autonomous motion or even significantly aid the wearer in their own actions. That would roughly simulate the situation we have in the 5th edition rules where the first set of base armor doesn't cause any specific encumbrance. The same likely goes for the heavier levels of milspec, so that the bigger armors aren't significantly harder to wear. I will admit that the Milspec armor likely has some mechanical pieces in it that allow it aid the wearer's movement such that it is no more restrictive than security armor, despite being more protective. In 5th edition, none of these armors cause encumbrance, are you going to tell me that all of these armors have special gyros that allow the armor to move a body inside of it? The same exact rules apply to Armor Jackets, Security Armor, SWAT armor, etc.

consistent power armor overhaul

You're bringing up points about how even the weakest person can wear this armor because it supports itself, but all of your reasoning is based purely on rules that aren't specific to the Milspec armor. If you want to start factoring the weight of the armor into encumbrance, nothing in any of the rules say that it wouldn't count against the wearer's carried weight. It is up to the GM of a campaign to decide if things are "reasonable" and the rules are set up to have a system for if it really comes down to it. The pure weight-based encumbrance is completely arbitrary, because none of the gear has a listing for weight. Since you brought up the Strength+Body-based encumbrance I would be happy to point out that the rules don't actually say anything about armor not factoring into how much a person can carry.

Consistent power armor overhaul